416 3rd Avenue
Aliceville, AL 35442
Email: apl@nctv.com
Phone: (205) 373-6691
Fax: (205) 373-3731
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:30AM-4:30PM Closed Friday
September- May (story time) Tuesday Mornings at 10:00AM
Library Director: Frances Lewis
The Aliceville Library offers an excellent book selection, including large print editions as well as audiobooks and DVD's that may be checked out by patrons. The library also provides copy services, fax services, laminations, notary public services and free WI-FI. 21 computers are free to use by the public, at no charge.
The building was built in 1912 and is listed on the STATE OF ALABAMA, THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES. Visitors are welcome to come and see the lovely renovated building.
Aliceville Library Board members: Judge John Paluzzi, chairman, Susan Jones, Kathy Marine Lewis, Jerry Cockrell and Mark Gilliam